A Japanese girl contacted me the beginning of October and she is dancer from Tokyo and want to be taken artist photos. We found good place each before a few days and decided Horie area where we photoshoot. There are many good shops like shoes, street bland clothes and some arts. We met early morning and she was very very cheerful and friendly. I felt like it wasn’t first time to see her.
We went to America-mura area first and took some pictures with pink wall. This back ground we found before a day is very simple and beautiful. I got some nice photos here and moved to Horie area. We checked yellow wall here already and this is also very clean and nice for her artist photos. We talked about photos but not only that, our work, life, Osaka, Tokyo and passion. I really like her way oh thinking and she has big hot passion. She made me want to try many things I want. I would like to see her in Osaka or Tokyo. I am so glad to have met her!:)